6th April 2009
HI Sandra,
Firstly, we hope that everyone is ok. We know that you will be run off your feet, but try and take time out too.
When Michael last phoned you, he told a story about his Uncle Tommy which you asked him to put down into words – so here it is!
“When your Mum and Dad came from Africa to Hartlepool to visit us, I had my first car – a very old and unreliable Ford Fiesta. I told your Dad that the car was playing up – yet again – and immediately, your Dad volunteered to take a look at it.
He renewed the spark plugs and re-set the points. When he was re-setting the points, your Dad couldn’t remember the distance that should be between them. He turned to your Mum and asked her advice and immediately, she said “Nought point two five” – as quick as a flash! Your Dad turned to me and said “What a woman! What a woman! Do you know she can still strip an engine and put it back together again?” – with very obvious pride!” - Michael Webb
We had your Aunty Pat round for lunch today and took the opportunity to take a few photos which I’ve attached. I hope you like them and they remind your Mum of her dear old friend and ally. NB: (Aunty Pat was my Dad’s sister – and therefore, my Mum’s sister in law – and best friend growing up!)
We are going to put an announcement in the Hartlepool Mail for your Dad’s death and we would just like to double check the exact date that he passed away. We think it was last Sunday – but could you please confirm? Thanks Sandra, and we’ll be in touch soon.
Lots of Love
Michael and Anne xx
In the same box of treasures, I found this Fathers Day card to my Dad from me:
September 2005
THANKS Dad – T is for Top Dad, H is for making me so happy, A is for always being there, N is for Nice one Dad, K is for knowing what to do, S is for SuperDad.
My darling Dad,
How grateful I am that you are here for another Fathers Day with us: in the last month, I seriously thought we may have had to say ‘goodbye’ – God spared you – How fortunate we are! I had plenty of time to consider who you are, and who you have been, for me – I’m filled with love and joy and relief and happiness and gratitude to you. Thanks for the love and care, the hard work, the nights of getting up to me, the years of swimming thousands of laps in the pool together, for loving my Mom, for your sense of adventure which you gave me, along with your love of exercise ….. and especially for your support at those times when I did things nobody else thought were a good idea – BUT YOU DID!
I love you Dad – always have, always will –
Sandra xxxx
And this card, to my Mother on Mother’s Day May 2007 – just two years before they died, six months apart
“APPRECIATION – if I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever”
On Mothers Day, May 2007
“My Darling Mom –
Thank you for your love, support, wisdom, friendship, insight, energy, passion, ballsiness, patience, directness, generosity, courage, fun, naughtiness, humour and for every meal, every scone/sausage roll/apple pie, and for every repair job, garment you made, dish you washed, bed you made, clothes you washed and ironed, floor you swept, loo you Harpic-ed, mess you picked up, car trip to wherever, cash you gave, party you threw, jumper you knitted, project you supported, money you raised, laughter you encouraged …. The love you ARE – endlessly! I love you! Love Sandra xxx”
And a note attached from Gerald:
“Ditto what Sandra said. Happy Mothers Day – you are awesome and a wonderful Mothere. Thank you Mom. I love you – Gerald xxx”
Typed on 1st March 2022 as we face another major flood in Shoalhaven Heads at 32 Hay Avenue.
Tomorrow 2nd March, our son Joshua James Groom will be 45 years old. I cannot believe that!