One day, when Cino was eighteen months old (oh my goodness, that was six and a half years ago!) whilst she and I were having our daily walk on our beautiful Seven Mile Beach at Shoalhaven Heads, a Council worker in a beach buggy raced past us. She took off down the beach after him, barking frantically, and my heart sank. The beach is bounded by a National Park, the bush is thick, and often baited with poison for foxes. If she lost sight of me, and went looking in the bush …… I thought I'd lost her forever, and I watched in vain as the buggy became a speck in the far distance.
I ran after them, knowing even as I did so, that it was completely ineffectual, that I would never catch them up, but I ran on, calling and calling her name. Miraculously, the buggy got bigger in size – he had obviously turned around and noticed the small dog chasing him, and thankfully, was now headed back to me.
Eventually, they came to a stop next to me, and I was crying with relief, but Cino was very pleased with herself, smiling and wagging her tail in delight. “What fun, Mom!”
The driver said - somewhat officiously I thought - "Is this your dog?" My first response was “Of course, it’s my fucking dog! Who else would I greet her this way?” but fortunately, I just I squirmed and reluctantly said yes. I waited for the inevitable hefty fine for Cino being 'off leash' or ‘a menace’ to the community, but he surprised me completely.
"Wow! That is one amazing animal! Your dog kept pace with me the whole way – and I was doing 50 kph!” He grinned as he spun around then sped back the way he had just come as I held tightly on to Cino.
Since then, we’ve called Cino “The Fastest Dog on the Beach”. We reckon she broke the Shoalhaven Heads Beach Run for Dogs Record that day, and has maintained the championship cup in almost seven years since. A mighty feat.
I love our dogs, ALL the dogs we have ever had, about fourteen in our 49 years of marriage. I love ALL dogs, full stop. I love their loyalty and love, their patience and inborn instinct for knowing when I am feeling low, and how they stick to me with glue like devotion (even when I am on the toilet). I love how they love rolling in green grass, swimming and surfing in the ocean and running on the beach, how obsessed Clover is with her ball, their desire to please and how intelligent they are. I love how proud Cino is of herself when she has completed all her tricks. I love how they know how beautiful they look after they've had their hair done. I love how embarrassed they are when they know they've done something 'naughty', and try to hide away. I'm amazed at how fiercely they wish to protect us from potential murderers and burglars jogging by, and how keenly they can sniff out a liver treat (or a ball) from twenty paces. We are blessed with these two little girls and we love every ounce of their little bodies. “Angels without wings” we called them at my Dad’s funeral, much to the surprise of Fr. Ronan.
We have been blessed with their love. Infinite love and gratitude.
Sandra and Gerald xx
Typed on 1st March 2022 as we face yet another flood – a major flood tomorrow, 2nd March, on our son Joshua’s 45th birthday.