ANZAC Day March
ANZAC DAY MARCH – 25th April 2000.
Letter to the Editor, Sydney Morning Herald, 27th April 2000
Today I marched with my Dad in the Anzac Parade. He is 79, and I am 50. His hearing isn’t too good, his step unsteady, but as he leant on my arm he beamed.
People called out “Goodonyermate!” and “Thank you!” Their eyes held ours with acknowledgement and pride. They gave peace signs, smiled, and some wept openly.
Children and adults alike held out their hands to high-five my Dad. People of all colours and all nations stood in the rain for hours to honour our men and women.
He said “Who are they cheering for?” I said, “You, Dad.” I never felt more proud. And he could have kept marching! Thank you, Sydney – you made a real difference to my Dad.
Sandra Groom, Gordon.
Letter to the Editor, Sydney Morning Herald, 28th April, 2000
If Anne Coombs had only waited another day to write her column she would have had the opportunity to reappraise some of her criticism of today’s youth and their pilgrimage to that foreign shore.
She could have read the Letters to the Editor that same day and grasped why Anzac Day is so.
Thank you Graeme Grace, David Griffith and especially Sandra Groom. You have given us the true meaning of Anzac 2000.
Don Prider, Balmain.