Application as a Specialist Volunteer .......


SYDNEY, 2000

 I have been a volunteer with World Youth International for nine years, in the role of Special Project Co-Ordinator, and responsible for Fund Raising in NSW – raising over $60,000 in donations towards supporting disadvantaged youth globally in the last few years.   I am also the Training Officer for World Youth International and responsible for the training of our staff and volunteers in communication skills/teamwork/personal presentation and specifically training our volunteers in their roles as Overseas Co-ordinators on our international projects. In this role, I have been at the forefront of many projects involving delegations from Kenya, China, and Russia and our family has hosted many international visitors for up to three months at a time.  My diplomatic relations and skills have been finely tuned!

I have also been a volunteer with Landmark Education for nine years.  For six of those years, I was a Seminar Leader with Landmark Education, during which time I facilitated large groups of people (up to 120 at a time) in four month long “Self Expression and Leadership Programmes”.  The training programme to lead seminars in Landmark is lengthy and rigorous, and leaders are measured on their performance by producing exceptional results ongoingly.  I am studying for my Diploma in Professional Counselling and have a background in Gestalt Psychology.

I was Director of my own company, “Dynamic Demos” for three years, and was responsible for a staff of 90 people, who I trained in sales, hospitality, and public presentation.  This company was a leader in its field, and our training methods highly regarded.  I had my own African Art Gallery in Queensland, a gift shop n Sydney, was a secretary for ten years, taught ballet and aerobics to adults, movement to pre-schoolers, and was President of the PTA at my son’s school for years. I have raised large sums of money for just about every cause I am committed to!  At present, I am a receptionist with a busy international company, where my people skills are developed daily.

I have travelled extensively in my life:  I was born in Africa, and have an understanding and appreciation for Africa, and have lived in or visited Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Malawi, Botswana, Kenya and the Congo.   I have lived and travelled in the United Kingdom and Europe extensively, travelled in the United States, Hawaai, Singapore, Malaysia, New Zealand, and recently returned from leading a two month assignment to Lombok Indonesia, where I took a group of nine Australian teenagers on a Cultural Exchange Programme, where we participated in community service projects and lived with native families. A great challenge and very rewarding!

My husband is an executive with IBM and I am “at home with” and enjoy the privileges of entertaining high profile people in expensive and luxurious surroundings – and I am equally at home squatting around a cooking pot on the floor in a remote village in Indonesia.

My strengths are:

My ability as leader and facilitator of small or large groups of people, and to communicate with confidence and clarity

An ability to create relationship, trust, and have people ‘at ease’ very quickly

A profound appreciation for all nationalities and cultures, and an understanding of human nature

A capacity for hard work and an eye for detail

A mature, responsible individual who does not ‘flap’ in a crises, and able to solve problems

Vivacious, fit, energetic, and a sense of humour!

I love a challenge and producing results

An impeccable professional presentation

I can ‘be with’ Prime Ministers o peasants and am a great diplomatic ambassador for my country and/or organisation

I believe I have much to offer to our Olympic Games and to our competitors and visitors.   I would appreciate the opportunity to return to Australia some of the hospitality and warmth I have experienced since my husband and I migrated here.  You won’t be disappointed!

NAME:                                  SANDRA ELLEN GROOM

ADDRESS:                            1 OBERON CRESENT GORDON, NSW. 2072

DATE OF BIRTH:                15TH NOVEMBER 1949




HEALTH:                               ROBUST – NO MEDICAL PROBLEMS.  5’3” TALL, 54 KGS

PHONE:                                02-9418-1031  and  02-9428-9111 (12.30 – 5.30 PM WEEKDAYS)

FAX:                                       02-9498-6002 (H)   02-9428-9198 (W)


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