Today I had a phone call from my friend Nicole in Perth. I saw her just three weeks ago, when she and her two stunning teenage daughters came to visit, and stayed overnight. The next day I drove them down to Batemans Bay to spend a few days with their grandmother and aunt and cousins. The two girls went all doe eyed over Cino, the puppy, who was loved and carried about and played with for a solid day, even going in the kayak with them for the first time! Nicole and I talked non stop, and laughed so much I think I wet my pants.
Her oldest daughter is Madeleine: she is 17. She is mature, intelligent, creative, and a talented ballerina, tall with long limbs and long black hair. Absolutely beautiful, as is her sister Nathalie, both inside and out. Mad is in year 12, and a prefect, and was this week involved in a leadership training program run by her school. One of their processes was to fill in an application form, and to answer the question "Who do you most admire in the world and why?"
She wrote "My Mum's friend, Sandra Groom, for her capacity to love endlessly."
This young woman was born in Botswana and has been loved and blessed in her life with two inspiring parents, a loving family, great education, travel, and the opportunity to meet many extraordinary people around the world.
I feel so honoured - so privileged - to be so acknowledged by this special soul, and utterly moved.
I cried.
Thanks for sharing with me Nicole. And thank you darling Mad, for making my day.