Instruction Manual for Clover
(Who looked after Clover in Sydney for a week during the worst of the bushfires. Cino went to Les and Barbara Banner. We are so grateful for our wonderful friends who love us and our dogs.)
Clover gets up with us about 6.30 am after spending the night in her bed, she seldom even goes out to wee in the night. She is quite insistent about getting up, and if we don’t move quick enough, she starts with a small whimper, followed by a longer sigh, then a pathetic “I think I may die here” groan, and then a sing song happy “Time to get up my lovelies!” until you finally DO get up. Like a mosquito, small, but unquestionably THERE – IN YOUR FACE. They go outside to wee, then follow Gerald into the kitchen.
We play this game every morning when making the bed. All the blankets and sheets are on the floor, Gerald one side of the bed and me the other. I say “Would you like to play the Bed Game?” and they both leap on the sheets etc. We fling the sheets over her head and she hides, we pull the sheets up and she walks around under the sheets like Casper The Friendly Ghost. Cino and she fight and bark and rumble in the sheets. It takes a few minutes. Be patient, George. This is an essential part of Our Routine.
BREAKFAST: (she eats inside, Cino eats outside)
He gives the two girls a bit of cheese, bit by bit, she must sit and take it gently. It’s a cheddar cheese slice, and Clover has half of a third of a slice. (Please do the maths)
Then she has two tablespoons of biscuits, on top of a tablespoon of Chobani plain natural yogurt.
We don’t give her bones – simply because Cino is not allowed them (she had pancreatitis and nearly died). She is a FANG if she has something in her mouth, her jaws clench as tight as a drum, and you cannot get anything out of her mouth.
DINNER: Our girls eat dinner after we do, about 7.30pm, but feed Clover whenever you feed Billie Jean.
Half a plastic takeaway container of chicken, brown rice, and veggies.
¼ spoon of Angel Eyes powder sprinkled over the wet food
A bbq chook, all meat stripped off bones, and skin removed, chopped up. About ¾ bag of steamed veggies (broccoli, cauli, peas, carrots – not corn, it comes out whole – or any veggies you have in fridge, pumpkin, beans, celery, just chop up and steam)
A cup of cooked brown rice. Mix all together well in a big bowl, then I freeze in take away containers, and give her half a container every night for dinner, with her Angel Eyes (as above)
Lots of water.
She loves her bed and her blankets, and has a strong sexual drive, so if you see her humping her bed, tell her to stop, and take the bed away. She hasn’t done Tantra yet. We go to bed about 9.30/10 pm at night. Gerald takes them outside for a wee, then we tell them “Hop into your Bed!” and they do. Neither sleep on our bed. We both kiss them goodnight and tell them how clever and beautiful they are, and how much we love them. George, you have to practise.
The Bed Game, as mentioned above. Growling and trying to eat Gerald’s feet through his slippers. Cino comes to the rescue, perhaps Billie Jean might? She loves a tug of war, and enjoys a game after dinner as we watch TV. She loves her squeaky raccoon, which is in shreds. She likes to pull the insides of all the toys out and create a snow storm. SHE IS OBSESSED WITH BALLS – you may have to hide the ball (do it somewhere when she is not looking) – and anyway, she seems to sniff them out, and stands whining at the door/cupboard. Then you’ll have to sneak away and find another hidey place. She even likes the balls on certain paper napkins I have, so if I were you, George, I’d keep my jocks on.
She loves the car, and runs back and forth across the back seat clucking like a chicken – in excitement. Trust me, you will think it is a chicken. Put her harness on and strap her into the car seat belt please.
She runs off leash at the beach, and will chase Cino – but won’t go further than 12 feet before running back to me. Try her out on long leash for a day or two, then see how she goes. I pick her up if a huge dog approaches, but she is not afraid, but not particularly friendly either.
After her walk, she gets a tiny piece of the Drontal Dental Stick to chew.
She loves men. She doesn’t like men in fluoro delivery shirts. She thinks she is a Great Dane, and is fiercely protective, a great watch dog. She loves a cuddle, and will sit on your lap as you work on your computer, with her head on the keyboard. She loves chasing insects. She is a Circus Dog and does spectacular leaps to gain your attention if she feels unnoticed. When I do a meditation, she loves to lie on my tummy. She sits on our laps when we watch TV.
She comes, sits, places her paw if you command it. I’m teaching her to “down”. She gets a treat when she does what she is told. I always say “Gently!” when I give her a treat to encourage her to be so. If she ‘mouths’ – it’s a puppy thing, gentle biting, tell her firmly “No!”. We call her “Clover Dover” or “Clover Dover Dog”.
Any questions, please call. I have to get ready for the funeral now. I love you both, and I love our little doggie, and I trust you with her life. Thank you so much my darlings,
Love and hugs
Sandra and Gerald and Cino xxx